Having the right equipment - two size plate rolls, structural rolls, long bed break presses and experienced manpower, allows Bell-Camp to fabricate ductwork to suit any application.
- We have produced very elaborate ducting components which have included:
- Ceramic, rubber and polyurethane lined ductwork
- Complex Geometries
- Carbon steel, stainless steel and low temperature steel
Bell-Camp is ISO 9000:2008 certified as well as a fully accredited CWB facility to ensure your project is built right the first time, every time.
We welcome the opportunity to quote on your needs.
Epoxy Lined "J" Ducting Epoxy Lined "J" Ducting
Large Diameter Components Large Diameter Components
De-dusting Ducting De-dusting Ducting
Unique Geometry Unique Geometry
Large Components Large Components
Custom Shapes Custom Shapes
Logistics Planning Logistics Planning
Reinforced Sections Reinforced Sections
Heavy Wall and Reinforced Sections Heavy Wall and Reinforced Sections
five pillars five pillars
Unique Geometry Unique Geometry
Unique Geometry Unique Geometry
Shop Coatings for Ducting Shop Coatings for Ducting
Stainless Steel Ducting Stainless Steel Ducting
Ducting with Internals Ducting with Internals
Wind Tunnel Duct Section Wind Tunnel Duct Section
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